The First Trip

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This  tree is by the porch of the Cassadaga hotel and was photographed the night of the first trip. If you will look closely at the images, you will see what appears to be a circular ring around the picture.


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The same ring appears in this photo. It is almost like the image of the tree was being pushed back into the camera, reflected back to where it came.


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In this picture, MichaelM is standing next to the tree. The idea was to see if the picture would show the person standing there. The ring is still present, now there is an orb.


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In a quick moment, MichaelM left the tree and went to the door of the hotel. The photographer pivoted where he stood and snapped this picture as MichaelM was approaching the door.
Note the orb in motion.


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This is the hallway of the Cassadaga Hotel without the flash. Nothing particularly interesting in the photo. We will post all the photos from each series regardless of what is in them 


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Most series are numbered by the camera and by including all the photos in a series, the authenticity is more readily verifiable.


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 Plus, there are sometimes hidden surprises in what may appear to be an otherwise quite uninteresting photo. Such as this photo. Some say this is flash back they see on the wall. But green?


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This picture has several things to offer the keen observer. One to note is the flash reflection from the door jam on the left. Compare it to the light on the door frame on the right.


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Room #10, Again, left to the observation of you the viewer. you decide.


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We have all made our own interpretation of the pictures. So far, most who have viewed them have all seen pretty much the same images throughout the series.


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Look closely at the light on the door frame. Look closely. the door frame appears to curve around the light. Flash reflection does not bend wood. What do you see in the pictures? We would love feedback. Send an email or post to our message board, 



This is the tree in front of the porch of the Cassadaga Hotel. This picture was taken on a  different visit, at dusk, before the night fully arrived. 

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These pictures are copyright 2001 by MichaelM. Any use including copying to a web page is strictly prohibited without written consent first. All images and text on this website is copyright 2001 MichaelM or by the original submitter of the information or photo.  


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